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What is Jaundice in Children?
Jaundice in children is a medical condition characterized by the yellowing of the skin and eyes due to elevated levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment produced when red blood cells break down, and it is typically processed by the liver. When the liver is unable to effectively process bilirubin, it accumulates in the body, leading to jaundice.
What Are Common Causes Of Jaundice In Children?
Physiological Jaundice: This is a common and generally harmless condition seen in newborns. It occurs when the baby's liver is still developing and may take some time to efficiently process bilirubin.
Breast Milk Jaundice: Some breastfed infants may experience jaundice due to substances in breast milk that can slow down the elimination of bilirubin.
Breastfeeding Jaundice: Inadequate intake of breast milk in the first few days of life can lead to higher bilirubin levels.
Blood Type Incompatibility: If the baby's blood type is incompatible with the mother's, it can lead to an increased breakdown of red blood cells and elevated bilirubin levels.
Infections: Infections, especially those affecting the liver, can contribute to jaundice.
Genetic Conditions: Certain genetic conditions affecting the liver's function can result in jaundice.
What Are The Symptoms Of Jaundice In Children?
Symptoms of jaundice in children may include yellowing of the skin and eyes, dark urine, pale-colored stools, poor feeding, and lethargy. In many cases, physiological jaundice in newborns resolves on its own, but other causes may require medical intervention.
Treatment options may include phototherapy, which involves exposing the baby to special lights that help break down bilirubin, and in severe cases, exchange transfusion may be recommended.
Why Choose Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh For Children Jaundice Treatment In Indore?
Choosing Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh for your child's jaundice treatment in Indore is a smart decision for several reasons. First, he's a specialist in pediatric gastroenterology, meaning he focuses on tummy and liver issues in kids. With years of experience, he knows how to handle a variety of cases, providing the best care for your child.
Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh doesn't just treat the condition; he looks at your child's overall health. This approach is important because jaundice can be caused by different factors, and he considers everything to create a personalized treatment plan.
Working in top-notch facilities in Indore, Dr. Sumit Kumar Singh has access to the latest tools and treatments. This ensures that your child gets the best care possible. What's great is that he doesn't just work alone. He collaborates with other experts like surgeons and nutritionists to cover all bases.